Ideatec Parmis was stablished in 2006 based on import/export of all allowed products, as well as manufacturing, sales, and support of machineries and devices.

In 2014 it was chosen as the local distributor of ACS products in Iran.

Advanced Card Systems Ltd. founded in 1995, is Asia Pacific's top supplier and one of the world's top 3 suppliers of PC-linked smart card readers, as well as the winner of the Product Quality Leadership Award for Smart Card Readers from Frost & Sullivan. In 2010, 2014 and 2015 ACS was listed in Forbes Asia's “Best Under a Billion", an inter-industry list comprised of 200 top-performing publicly listed companies in Asia Pacific, with sales between US$5 million and US$1 billion. ACS develops a wide range of high quality smart card reading/writing devices, smart cards and related products and distributes them to over 100 countries worldwide.

ideatec team